The Port of Hueneme
About Port of Hueneme
The Port of Hueneme/Oxnard Harbor District is an independent special district (business enterprise) a political subdivision of the State of California which owns and operates the commercial Port of Hueneme. The District was created in 1937 under authority of an act of the legislature of the State of California which provides for the formation of Harbor Districts. The Oxnard Harbor District's policies are set by a five-member Board of Harbor Commissioners elected at large from the District. The day-to-day business operations of the Harbor District are administered by a CEO and Port Director and professional staff. The Harbor District's political boundaries are comprised of the Greater City of Oxnard area (population 207,722) and the City of Port Hueneme (population 21,979). Each Harbor Commissioner is popularly elected by the citizens of the Oxnard Harbor District for a four-year term. Their terms are staggered to maintain continuity. The Oxnard Harbor District receives no taxes for its operation, operating entirely on Port business generated funds. In fact, in addition to paying fees for harbor development permits, the Harbor District pays significant amounts to the City of Port Hueneme through special agreements to provide for City services necessary to support Port activities. On an annual basis, the Port publishes an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the prior fiscal year and adopts a budget including a debt schedule and capital plan for the current fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).

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